Sometime around when I was 30 or so, I was passing a peaceful evening sitting in my easy chair, reading a book. Molly, being about her own business, happened to walk behind the chair I was sitting in. Suddenly she stopped, and gasped sharply.
“You’re going bald!” she exclaimed.
Well, I’d been noticing that the hair on the crown of my head had been feeling a tad ‘thinner’ in recent days, but I couldn’t see any such effects when I looked in the mirror. Molly very helpfully produced a second mirror so I could see that, indeed, there was a small circlet of bare skin peeking through on the crown of my head.
As I’ve gotten older, that ‘small circlet’ has grown a bit larger, until today it looks like this:
I like to say that this ‘tonsure’ is indicative of my ‘Latent Monastic Tendencies’. I’ve been known to invoke such tendencies in the pursuit of more solitude than is generally afforded by the presence of eight children in my family. But Molly only laughs derisively, and says, “I’ll give you eight kids’ worth of ‘Latent Monastic Tendencies’!” Something about how ‘eight kids’ and ‘monastic’ constitute some kind of oxymoron. . .
But I still can’t see it when I look in the mirror. . .
If you can't see it, its not there. That's why I rarely step on a scale.
I'm with RS. If you can't see it, it doesn't exist. I have no grey hairs on top of my head, either!
Did you just bust a HNT post?!
just so long as the kids aren't sneaking up and drawing faces on it, it's all good.
Another HNT? Time to register as a regular!
Monastic/Desmond ..... yeah, I'd say Molly's got it pegged.
And if you can't see it in the mirror it isn't happening.
... so be a bit sensitive around Molly, OK? She sees the hair thinning on a daily basis, ya know? :-)
I'll get you a monk's robe. I've actually been planning on buying one anyway, just to wear on special occasions.
I'd also like to point out that the afghan/blanket on the back of your chair looks to be straight out of the "something my grandma made in the '70s" file. Sweet.
RS - See, that's what I'm sayin'. . .
Cocotte - Well, as you can see, I can't get away with the 'no-gray' claim, at least not based on what I can/can't see in the mirror. . .
faDKoG - I just love how people get so all-fired excited every time you post a photo on a Thursday. . . ;)
Lime - Shhhhh! Don't wanna give 'em any ideas. . .
Xavier - But, see, I've never even met Osbasso. . .
Oh, Molly's had me pegged for a long time, now. . . Altho, truth to tell, I can claim to have her 'pegged' in a much more, uh, shall we say 'earthy' sense. I mean, as far as 'pegs' go. . .
And you make a good point - here I'm all talkin' her into growing hair everywhere she can, at the same time I'm shedding my own. . .
FTN - Well, I don't know if your robe would fit me; it'd kinda drag on the ground, wouldn't it?
And since you brought it up. . . Molly and I got no less than seven hand-made afghans as wedding gifts. . . You get seven toasters, or seven blenders, or seven crockpots, you can take six of 'em back. But seven afghans? Um, no. . .
Ah, now I know how to recognise you when we all meet up next month. I'll just have to approach you from behind. . .
You know the saying? Don't bring things about other people to attention, YOU Could Be NEXT!
My lips are sealed.
And Trueself... what you said! I'm still crackin' up here!
Truey - You totally busted me. 'Course, not like the 'bearded 50-something' wouldn't have given you some strong hints, anyway. . .
CM - 'Course, I've already told y'all all manner of things about Molly's, um, hair. . . So, I s'pose fair's fair, eh?
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